a little about, this guy
Thank you for checking out my site. This site's primary purpose is to serve as a repository for my written articles and references. I am posting it to the general public, so that hopefully the effort can be diffused to others.
I recently graduated from the Oregon State University EECS graduate program. I am now working full time at Systema-USA as a semiconductor tool integrator. While working at Systema, I have had the opportunity to work in several semiconductor fabs on the west coast. These have been a mixture of PV and 200mm fabs. As a systems integrator, I work often in between the system layers trying to create common interfaces between the multitude of supporting systems found in a typical fab (MES, SPC, tools, reporting, etc.).
I was a MS student in the EECS department at OSU. I worked under Dr. Raviv Raich. There I was part of the machine learning/signal processing team, which primary used machine learning techniques to create adaptive filters, classifiers, and signal restoration. My thesis / research work was focused around the fast paced world of Mass Spectrometry (MS). I had the opportunity to work under Dr. Vallery Voinov in the Analytical Chemistry Department. There I performed the duties as a student research assistant in the development of MS instruments. This involves precision Analog circuitry and filter design, as well as, digital signal processing and database information mining.